
Showing posts with the label research

PETA Protester Confronts Pharrell Williams During Film Premiere

A protester from the organization, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), disrupted a speech being given by Pharrell Williams at a Biopic Premiere in Toronto.  She rushed the stage with a white sign in her hand that read:  Pharrell: Stop Supporting Killing Animals for Fashion.  Pharrell was in Toronto to support his LEGO biopic entitled, Piece by Piece.   The protester directed a number of statements towards Pharrell and the audience concerning his role as men's creative director at Louis Vuitton.   "Your Louis Vuitton collection … Pharrell’s collection is made from their blood,” the protester shouted to the audience. “Pharrell stop torturing animals! Ostriches are being hung upside down, electrocuted with their necks slit.”   PETA is petitioning Louis Vuitton to stop abusing animals and using their bodily materials for the purpose of fashion creation.  During the protest, Pharrell made a pause during his speech and outrightly agreed with the protester.  "Ok.

Improve Memory with this Ancient Herb

Rosemary offers a wide range of benefits for health and longevity.  It is an ancient herb that has been used since the beginning of time for medicinal purposes. It was held sacred by Egyptians and revered by Greeks.  Rosemary shrubs grow prominently in areas along the Mediterranean sea, the Himalayas and other parts of the world. The word rosemary derives from the latin rosmarinus officinalis which means “sea dew.”  Symbolically, Greeks have used rosemary at weddings to represent love and remembrance.  In Greek mythology, Aphrodite would arise from the sea with rosemary draped from her neck and this is where the name affiliation stemmed from.   This herb can help stimulate circulation and aid in hair growth when applied to the scalp.  Rosemary is also a natural pain reliever that can be useful in individuals living with arthritic conditions.   The herb possesses powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.  The antioxidants in rosemary neutralizes free roaming radicals that inte

Surgeon General Calls for Stop in Administration of Covid Vaccines

The Florida Surgeon General has spoken out recently about the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.  Gen. Dr. Joseph Ladapo has expressed sincere disapproval of mRNA Covid-19 vaccines and believes administration of the vaccines must be stopped.  Gen. Dr. Ladapo voiced his concerns about the discovery of billions of DNA fragments found in each dosage of the vaccine.  DNA fragments are ingredients in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines that are transcribed into RNA fragments which is ultimately responsible for inducing production of the SARS-Cov-2 spike protein.   Each vaccine shot contains approximately 200 billion pieces of plasmid DNA fragments (Buckhaults, 2023).   There are serious concerns that the DNA fragments are behind deadly side effects.  These side effects range from cardiac arrest to cancer as well as death.   Dr. Philip Buckhaults, professor of cancer molecular genetics at the University of South Carolina believes that these DNA fragments are likely to cause damage to the human genome

The Science is Very Clear On which Diet is Better for the Environment

There’s no question that the meat production industry has an extremely negative impact on the health of our planet.  Research has proven that one’s carbon footprint can be reduced by as much as 73% (Poore & Nemecek, 2018). Green Lifestyle Organization’s Beef and Meat Free Environmental Initiative was created with this knowledge in mind.  Not only are meat and animal emissions effecting the environment in a harmful way, there are also many health risks associated with excessive meat and animal consumption.   Fad diets such as the keto diet, which incorporate heavy and excessive animal and dairy consumption are not beneficial to environment nor to the body.  Eating a keto diet raises the risk of increased LDL cholesterol levels and artery blockages as proven through research conducted by the American College of Cardiology. More studies have been conducted which have contributed to the body of knowledge concerning the benefits of eating a plant based diet where climate change is a pri

What Research Has Revealed about Medicinal Mushrooms

What Research Has Revealed about Medicinal Mushrooms Introduction The branch of medicine that involves the consumption of foods as medicine is called Functional Medicine or or the new scientific discipline of “functional food science.”  The father of medicine, Hippocrates, once said, “Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine thy food.” There are many healing and health benefits that can be achieved when consuming certain foods.  The nutritional value of mushrooms is high due to the amount of minerals, protein and vitamins like D2, C, B that they contain.   Mushrooms are antiinflueza, anti-inflammatory, anticancerous, antiinfective, antidiabetic and antimicrobial (Elkhateeb, Daba, Thomas & Wen, 2019; Ganeshpurkar, Rai & Jain, 2010; Sabaratnam et al., 2013).  If one is looking for the richest source to aid in relief of these types of conditions, they should look no further than the medicinal mushroom.  People in countries of Asia (Japan, Korea, China) and eastern Russia have wid

Natural Immunity vs Vaccine Immunity: Who Really Fares Better?

Does natural immunity from having COVID-19 trump vaccine induced immunity?! A resounding YES!  Israeli researchers conducted a study comparing immunity of those who previously tested positive for Covid-19 against those who received the Pfizer/BionTech Covid-19 vaccine (Gazit et al., 2021).  The study was the largest study completed to compare natural immunity to vaccine induced immunity. Those who have recovered from the virus naturally were found to have lowered risk from contracting the Delta variant in comparison to those who received a 2 injection dose of the Pfizer-BionTech vaccine.  The Mu variant of the virus has recently entered society and it’s no secret that natural immunity offers better protection against the various variants than any vaccine. If attempting to make a decision on whether you should receive the vaccine and you’ve already had COVID-19, there is certainly no need to do so.  Individuals who have received two doses of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine are 13 times like

Are Aluminum Containing Deodorants Still Bad for You? What The Research Says

Over the past several years, there has been constant chatter concerning the harm that aluminum containing products can cause.  Aluminum containing products can range from cookware to deodorant to vaccines.  Aluminum isn’t simply in deodorants or cookware.  Aluminum can be found in processed foods, soda cans, antacids, pancake mix, puddings, aspirin, anticaking agents, foil, vaccines, aluminum containing packaging, cheeses, meat binders, sauce thickeners, emulsifiers and melting agents too. Substantial Amount of Evidence Confirm Aluminum Toxicity   Did this chatter develop out of nowhere and is it all just a theory?  The short answer is that the links between exposure to aluminum containing products and the onset of diseases such as cancer are very real and well substantiated by scientific research.  According to an article that appeared in the New York Times, the chatter began with a supposed email chain letter in the 1990s, which stated that antiperspirants could build up in the lymph

6 million Cancer Cases were due to Alcohol Consumption in 2020!

 Various factors can be a contributor to cancer in humans.   Smoking is widely recognized as a cause of cancer.   If smoking and alcohol were multiple choice questions for a poll asking adults, “what is a primary cause of cancer?” most would probably select smoking.   Smoking is not the only culprit when deciphering causes of cancer.   It turns out that alcohol is another huge culprit!       A population-based study recently published in the Lancet Oncology discovered that alcohol use is linked to multiple forms of cancer (Rumgay et al., 2021).   Alcohol consumption can lead to a myriad of cancers.   These cancers include liver, esophageal, colon, mouth, breast, pancreatic, stomach and larynx.   Last year, 741,300 people had cancers that were appeared due to alcohol consumption.   Alcohol related cancer appeared more so in men than women.   However, of the alcohol related cases seen in women, the primary cancer was breast cancer. Approximately 6 million cases of cancer were due t

Stony Brook University Now a Top 40 Institution and other Highlights

Congratulations to my Alma Mater who is now a member of the Top 40 universities in the USA. Stony Brook University has inched up quite a bit and now holds the 39th spot on the QS World University Rankings list.   I’m so proud of my Alma Mater who's been steadily rising up the ranks hanging right there in the radar of the top universities in the USofA.  Stony Brook also has the #1 spot for public universities in New York and is number 13 on the list of Best Public Universities in the US. I’m also proud to announce that we have a new young Seawolf on our hands.  Congratulations to my little brother who has just graduated from a private school here in NYC.   He was offered scholarships to study at the inaugural Roc Nation School of Music at Long Island University and the electrical engineering program at Syracuse University.  He’s chosen to make Stony Brook home for the next four years and boy did he make a great decision by becoming a newly proclaimed Seawolf!  I can’t tell you how e

Developing Research on How Fruits & Vegetables Can help to Fight COVID-19

“ Eat your Fruits and Vegetables ” was probably a command that the average person was likely to hear growing up. I know i had an aunt who preached fruit and vegetables all the time and I’m grateful that it rubbed off! Be thankful for all the fruit and vegetable preachers in your life because they are offering sound wisdom. Certain folks scoff at the sight of vegetables and fruits and it could be due to taste or general dislike of them. Realize and accept that fruits and vegetables have so much to offer to you—healthwise! The fact is that fruits and vegetables contain healing phytochemicals that are effective in fighting diseases and various other ailments. Numerous scientific studies support this fact. Phytochemicals are responsible for giving fruit, spices, herbs and vegetables their aroma, color and smell and are instrumental in maintaining and improving immunity. Diets full of meat and unhealthy foods will negatively impact overall immunity. A study named the UK Phyto-V Covid-19