
Showing posts with the label globalwarming

Nikocado Avocado Woke up 250lbs Lighter! Vegan Again?!

The Mukbang king, Nikocado Avocado, broke his 7 month silence after uploading a video to his channel last night.   He first appeared in the video wearing a big Panda head mask.  Beyond that gigantic panda mask, there was something noticeably different about Nick!   There was a super thin body under the mask!  Could this be a clone of Nikocado?  Is this really the same person who would down several cheeseburgers, nuggets, stuffed tacos and huge plates of noodles in one sitting?  Nikocado is the self proclaimed mukbang king of the internet and with that title came loads of weight gain. It was a real shock to see him slimmer than what he used to be as a vegan.  At the beginning of the video, he stated how he was "two steps ahead."  He went on to say that he had been a part of one of the greatest social experiments of his entire life and likened himself to being a villain of a story where he was able to have significant influence over his followers while remaining two steps ahead

Purchase Your Carbon Offsets at GLO

Our Earth releases approximately 27 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every day.  Human activity has disrupted the natural balance of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere and it is to blame for the significant inclines in greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.  Human led carbon producing activity involving heat, electricity usage and transportation continue to contribute to earth’s fossil fuel problem.  These fossil fuel based activities are the largest contributors to climate change with as much as 90% deriving from fossil fuel burning. Think about the activities that you utilize in your daily life.  Determine which of these activities utilize transportation, electricity, or heating.  All of these activities are likely utilizing coal, oil or gas sources and they contribute the most to carbon dioxide emissions.  Do you drive to where you have to go?  If so, how many miles are you driving per day?  Cars enable people to get to where they need to go in a time

The Science is Very Clear On which Diet is Better for the Environment

There’s no question that the meat production industry has an extremely negative impact on the health of our planet.  Research has proven that one’s carbon footprint can be reduced by as much as 73% (Poore & Nemecek, 2018). Green Lifestyle Organization’s Beef and Meat Free Environmental Initiative was created with this knowledge in mind.  Not only are meat and animal emissions effecting the environment in a harmful way, there are also many health risks associated with excessive meat and animal consumption.   Fad diets such as the keto diet, which incorporate heavy and excessive animal and dairy consumption are not beneficial to environment nor to the body.  Eating a keto diet raises the risk of increased LDL cholesterol levels and artery blockages as proven through research conducted by the American College of Cardiology. More studies have been conducted which have contributed to the body of knowledge concerning the benefits of eating a plant based diet where climate change is a pri

New York is Orange and Canada Is Burning

Air Quality levels in New York have surpassed hazardous levels this week due to Canadian wildfires.  The levels are considered unhealthy for the general public.  Public health officials have advised the general public to refrain from strenuous activities as thick blankets of orange smoke cover the atmosphere.  Approximately 400 fires were burning in Canada on Tuesday evening many of which are considered out of control The wildfires considered to be out of control began in Quebec where weather conditions are unusually dry and very high in heat temperatures. By Wednesday Morning, the New York skyline was fully embroiled in a stretch of hazy fire colored smoke.  It’s even been described as looking similar to a “post-apocalyptic hellscape.” There was a strong permeating smell of smoke, which increased in concentration by the afternoon.   Wildfires have mostly affected the state of California in recent months.  It could be a shocker to some that the Canadian provinces of Quebec, Ontario and

Just Stop Oil Sprays Bank of England and Thames Building to Get UK Government's Attention

Just Stop Oil has been constantly on the go promoting environmental causes in a way that only they can.  Their most recent protests that occurred in London involved a few bottles of spray paint.  The Bank of London, Home Office, MI5 Building were all covered in bright neon orange paint with protesters giving short impassioned speeches providing reasoning for the acts.  Tez Burns, a young bicycle mechanic from Swansea had this to say after spraying the Thames MI5 building: “Our demand is simple. No new fossil fuel licenses—no new fossil fuel licenses and I won’t have to do this anymore! The government has taken our future.  I want our future back.  It’s criminal inaction—criminal inaction on the climate crisis.  The UN say you need to act.   The IPCC say you need to act.   The IMF—the World Bank all say you need to act and yet the government does nothing.  What does it do? It issues new fossil fuel licenses." "It says we need to drain every last drop of oil out of the North Se

Climate Activists Throw Tomato Soup On Van Gogh Painting at London National Gallery

A duo of climate activists threw tomato soup on Van Gogh’s iconic "Sunflowers” painting at the London National Gallery. The duo hails from the activist group, Just Stop Oil.  Sunflowers by Van Gogh is a still life painting from a series which is revered by art enthusiasts and communities.  Van Gogh created four different versions of “Sunflowers” which were meant to showcase the stages of life—from new to dying. The London National Gallery holds the fourth version, which was created in 1888. The climate activists from Just Stop oil threw two cans of tomato soup at the glass encapsulated painting and then glued themselves to the gallery wall.  Just Stop Oil is no stranger to staging protests in front of acclaimed artworks.  Activists from the organization glued themselves to the frame of Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” which is displayed at London’s Royal Academy of Art.  The female protester could be heard on video with a thick British accent saying, “What is worth more? Art or life? 

More Climate Deniers in Britain than in US?

Fires and Heat...How could this be happenin g? The United Kingdom is experiencing a brutal heat wave where temperatures are surpassing 100 degrees Farenheit which is a record in UK weather history.  Multiple fires broke out during the past few days and have burned down grassland, properties and homes.  The fires originated in grass as the record temperatures continue soaring.  On Tuesday, temperatures reached 104 degrees Farenheit at Heathrow Airport.   A SkyNews correspondent, Laura Bundock, discussed her experience with the chaotic fires: "It was like night fall near the fire, with winds moving the flames at a terrifying speed. You could see the smoke spreading though fields, fueled by brittle dry ground, which crunched underfoot," Bundock wrote. "As the fire grew, we saw emergency services running through the village to evacuate homes." 104 degrees Farenheit in the UK? NO way it could be true! Still even with the confirmed research and science some British people