
Showing posts with the label covid-19

PETA Protester Confronts Pharrell Williams During Film Premiere

A protester from the organization, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), disrupted a speech being given by Pharrell Williams at a Biopic Premiere in Toronto.  She rushed the stage with a white sign in her hand that read:  Pharrell: Stop Supporting Killing Animals for Fashion.  Pharrell was in Toronto to support his LEGO biopic entitled, Piece by Piece.   The protester directed a number of statements towards Pharrell and the audience concerning his role as men's creative director at Louis Vuitton.   "Your Louis Vuitton collection … Pharrell’s collection is made from their blood,” the protester shouted to the audience. “Pharrell stop torturing animals! Ostriches are being hung upside down, electrocuted with their necks slit.”   PETA is petitioning Louis Vuitton to stop abusing animals and using their bodily materials for the purpose of fashion creation.  During the protest, Pharrell made a pause during his speech and outrightly agreed with the protester.  "Ok.

Leave the Sea Turtles Alone: Nine Die from Consuming Marine Turtle Meat

Nine individuals passed away from consumption of endangered marine turtles in Pemba Island, Zanzibar last month.  A total of eight children and one adult died due to chelonitoxism or food poisoning from the contaminated turtle meat.  Death from chelonitoxication is thought to be a rare happening and is mostly associated with consuming marine turtles such as Green sea turtle, Hawksbill turtle, Olive Ridley and Leatherback turtles.    Consumption of sea turtles is considered a delicacy in remote places and African countries such as Tanzania and Madagascar, French Polynesia and Indo-Pacific regions.  The sea meat is usually consumed at celebratory gatherings.  The individuals who cook and consume marine turtles are unable to decipher if the meat is toxic because the marine turtles appear healthy and do not display any symptoms.  The chelonitoxins cannot be destroyed through heat or cooking.  The chelonitoxism that occurs in marine turtles are due to environmental factors which may include

Surgeon General Calls for Stop in Administration of Covid Vaccines

The Florida Surgeon General has spoken out recently about the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.  Gen. Dr. Joseph Ladapo has expressed sincere disapproval of mRNA Covid-19 vaccines and believes administration of the vaccines must be stopped.  Gen. Dr. Ladapo voiced his concerns about the discovery of billions of DNA fragments found in each dosage of the vaccine.  DNA fragments are ingredients in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines that are transcribed into RNA fragments which is ultimately responsible for inducing production of the SARS-Cov-2 spike protein.   Each vaccine shot contains approximately 200 billion pieces of plasmid DNA fragments (Buckhaults, 2023).   There are serious concerns that the DNA fragments are behind deadly side effects.  These side effects range from cardiac arrest to cancer as well as death.   Dr. Philip Buckhaults, professor of cancer molecular genetics at the University of South Carolina believes that these DNA fragments are likely to cause damage to the human genome

New York is Orange and Canada Is Burning

Air Quality levels in New York have surpassed hazardous levels this week due to Canadian wildfires.  The levels are considered unhealthy for the general public.  Public health officials have advised the general public to refrain from strenuous activities as thick blankets of orange smoke cover the atmosphere.  Approximately 400 fires were burning in Canada on Tuesday evening many of which are considered out of control The wildfires considered to be out of control began in Quebec where weather conditions are unusually dry and very high in heat temperatures. By Wednesday Morning, the New York skyline was fully embroiled in a stretch of hazy fire colored smoke.  It’s even been described as looking similar to a “post-apocalyptic hellscape.” There was a strong permeating smell of smoke, which increased in concentration by the afternoon.   Wildfires have mostly affected the state of California in recent months.  It could be a shocker to some that the Canadian provinces of Quebec, Ontario and

Nicki Minaj Questions the Covid Vaccines and Encourages Others to do So

Nicki Minaj recently posted tweets where she did not actively promote the vaccine and instead encouraged others to pray about their choice and not be bullied by anyone about vaccine decision-making.  She also tweeted about her personal experience of learning that her cousin’s friend in Trinidad suffered side effects, which resulted in enlarged or swollen testicles and impotence.   She stated that her cousin's friend in Trinidad was engaged but because of these side effects, his fiancée called off their wedding and no longer wanted to marry.   This wasn’t the only statement that she tweeted though it is the only one that mainstream news outlets ran with. Nicki also admitted that she had Covid-19 and while it was a requirement for her to be vaccinated to attend the Met Gala over the weekend, she said she was not going to get vaccinated for an event like that and instead would only get vaccinated once she’s done her own research. She further went on to encourage people to wear their m

Natural Immunity vs Vaccine Immunity: Who Really Fares Better?

Does natural immunity from having COVID-19 trump vaccine induced immunity?! A resounding YES!  Israeli researchers conducted a study comparing immunity of those who previously tested positive for Covid-19 against those who received the Pfizer/BionTech Covid-19 vaccine (Gazit et al., 2021).  The study was the largest study completed to compare natural immunity to vaccine induced immunity. Those who have recovered from the virus naturally were found to have lowered risk from contracting the Delta variant in comparison to those who received a 2 injection dose of the Pfizer-BionTech vaccine.  The Mu variant of the virus has recently entered society and it’s no secret that natural immunity offers better protection against the various variants than any vaccine. If attempting to make a decision on whether you should receive the vaccine and you’ve already had COVID-19, there is certainly no need to do so.  Individuals who have received two doses of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine are 13 times like

Nurse Faints After Receiving Pfizer/BioNTech Covid Vaccine

A nurse manager from CHI Memorial hospital in Tennessee fainted approximately 2 minutes after taking the vaccine. The nurse was given her first dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine today and was interviewed shortly afterwards by a local Tennessee news station. The taping of Nurse Tiffany receiving the vaccine appeared live on the network. While Tiffany Dover answered a few questions about some of the hardships she and her unit faced, she got disoriented and passed out. Viewers saw the moment when she experienced what she later states as dizziness as she touched her forehead and said, “I’m sorry, I’m feeling a little dizzy.” Seconds later, she collapsed to the floor while physicians rushed to her aid. After her collapse, the nurse returned looking a bit shocked and offered her explanation as to why she collapsed. She stated that she has a history of overactive vagal responses, meaning that, she is blaming her reaction on her nerves. She went on to say that she passes out at the slightest

Pfizer COVID Vaccine Causes Severe Reactions in Allergic People

The FDA has just approved a vaccine created by Turkish husband and wife team, Drs. Ugur Sahin & Ozlem Tureci of BioNTech, for distribution in the USA. The Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has undergone a clinical trial but there is little knowledge about long-term effects of the vaccine or the types of reactions that can occur after taking it. The duration of protection against COVID-19 by the vaccine is largely unknown. Great Britain was the first to approve Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine during the first week of December. The vaccine was approved on the basis that it prevented 90% of COVID infections in the 20,000 people that were given it. This week, two UK health workers had severe allergic reactions to Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. The severe reaction was anaphylactic, which means that the vaccine affected the individual’s ability to breathe and may have resulted in other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and swelling. Anaphylactic shock can be fatal and immediately result