PETA Protester Confronts Pharrell Williams During Film Premiere

A protester from the organization, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), disrupted a speech being given by Pharrell Williams at a Biopic Premiere in Toronto.  She rushed the stage with a white sign in her hand that read:  Pharrell: Stop Supporting Killing Animals for Fashion.  Pharrell was in Toronto to support his LEGO biopic entitled, Piece by Piece.   The protester directed a number of statements towards Pharrell and the audience concerning his role as men's creative director at Louis Vuitton.   "Your Louis Vuitton collection … Pharrell’s collection is made from their blood,” the protester shouted to the audience. “Pharrell stop torturing animals! Ostriches are being hung upside down, electrocuted with their necks slit.”   PETA is petitioning Louis Vuitton to stop abusing animals and using their bodily materials for the purpose of fashion creation.  During the protest, Pharrell made a pause during his speech and outrightly agreed with the protester.  "Ok.

Octavia Spencer plays Mother Earth in Apple Commercial. Keeping Apple in Check!

Apple premiered their yearly Apple Event introducing the new Apple Series 9 Apple Watch and the iPhone 15 standard, plus and pro models.  During the event, a commercial was premiered featuring Octavia Spencer, Tim Cook (CEO of Apple), Lisa Jackson (VP of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives.  This funny commercial saw Octavia present herself as “Mother Nature,” a stern yet comical corporate responsibility officer.  Before Octavia entered the scene, all the officers and workers at the meeting were shuffling around looking nervous and anxious while drinks shook on the table.  

We even saw Tim Cook rehearsing the lines that he would repeat to Mother Nature when she entered.   After Mother Nature arrives, Tim Cook, asks her “how was the weather getting in?” Mother Nature then says, “the weather was however I wanted it to be!”   Mother nature reminds Mr. Cook of his promise in 2020—which is to bring Apple’s carbon footprint to zero by 2030.

As the commercial ensued, the viewer learns some key environmental updates that Apple has been involved in:

1.) Apple will quit using plastics in packaging by the end of 2024.

2.) Apple TVs, Macbooks and Apple watches are now being made with100% recycled aluminum in the enclosures.

3.) Apple is phasing out leather from iphone cases.

4.) Apple is operating on 100% clean electricity (every apple office, store and data center).

5.) Apple offices are carbon neutral through use of clean energy and eliminating carbon emissions.

6.) Apple’s suppliers have committed to using 100% clean renewable electricity

7.) Apple is shipping more products by ocean rather than air which reduces their transportation emissions by a whopping 95%.

8.) Apple continues to invest in projects around the world that protect earth’s soil plants and trees

9.) Lisa Jackson chimed in towards the end of the commercial and tells Mother Nature that Apple is not just planting trees but whole forests in Paraguay and Brazil.   Mother Nature gives her two cents about this saying, “What are you trying to save the Savannah?” 

10.) Apple has restored mongrels in Columbia and grasslands in Kenya; aiming to permanently remove carbon from the atmosphere.

11.) Apple has reduced water usage by 63 billion gallons of water.

Near the end of the commercial, Tim Cook concludes in saying: 

“As you can see, we’ve innovated and retold almost every part of our process to reduce our impact on the planet.  By 2030 all apple devices will have a net zero climate impact.  Mother Nature asks if it’s really true and Cook responds, “All of them.” Mother Nature sternly says, "They better!"  Cook ends by offering added assurance essentially stating, They will! 

Viewers watch as Mother Nature and Tim Cook engage in the ultimate staring war.  Mother Nature is not playing any games with Apple!  She walks out and tells the team she’ll see them all next year before warning them not to disappoint their mother.

This skit was a creative and entertaining way to provide the world information on the steps that Apple is taking to decrease their carbon footprint.  It was so cool to see Cook’s acting chops up against an acting phenomenon like Octavia.  Who would’ve thought Mr. Cook had it in him?  

Apple, you get 1000 green cool points for this creative commercial!  It’s wonderful to know that you are actively trying to do your part in lessening the carbon footprint of the company while making sure that our “Mother Earth” is pleased with your actions.

View the commercial and full Apple event here:

Click to see commercial


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