
Showing posts from February, 2023

Nikocado Avocado Woke up 250lbs Lighter! Vegan Again?!

The Mukbang king, Nikocado Avocado, broke his 7 month silence after uploading a video to his channel last night.   He first appeared in the video wearing a big Panda head mask.  Beyond that gigantic panda mask, there was something noticeably different about Nick!   There was a super thin body under the mask!  Could this be a clone of Nikocado?  Is this really the same person who would down several cheeseburgers, nuggets, stuffed tacos and huge plates of noodles in one sitting?  Nikocado is the self proclaimed mukbang king of the internet and with that title came loads of weight gain. It was a real shock to see him slimmer than what he used to be as a vegan.  At the beginning of the video, he stated how he was "two steps ahead."  He went on to say that he had been a part of one of the greatest social experiments of his entire life and likened himself to being a villain of a story where he was able to have significant influence over his followers while remaining two steps ahead

Sitting For Too Long Linked to Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

Spending a great deal of time sitting in your cubicle? Do you love to be indoors sitting down while watching your favorite TV show? Do you find yourself sitting down very often on your college campus after lectures? It’s been suggested that 13 percent of the global ailment of Alzheimer’s can be attributed to sedentary behavior. 100 million people will be affected by dementia by 2050 (Hughes et al., 2010).   It can be alarming when finding out that a sedentary activity such as sitting is no bueno for your health but it’s best to learn earlier so as not to continue actions that can be detrimental to health. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles discovered a link between sitting for long periods of time and decreased brain thickness in a region that is essential for the formation of memories (Siddarth et al., 2018). This is an area of the brain that declines with age. Thirty-five adults between the ages of 45 – 75 took part in the study. The adults were given questionna

Dark Chocolate Contains Heavy Metals Cadmium and Lead

Dark chocolate has frequently been lauded by health fanatics for its numerous benefits.  It’s classified as a source of antioxidants and has been even said to help regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels.  It's even been claimed to help with weight loss.   A  New York based non-profit named Consumer Reports tested heavy metal levels of 28 different brands of chocolate including Hershey’s, Godiva, Tony’s, Lindt, Endangered Species and Trader Joe’s.  Consumer Reports measured levels of cadmium and lead against standards set by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA).  According to OEHHA, human exposure to cadmium should not be more than 4.1 mcg per day and their exposure to lead should not be more than 0.5 mcg per day. Many of the dark chocolate bars contained more lead than they should have.  Ten bars contained more than the OEHHA recommended level of lead while eight contained more than the recommended level for cadmium.  Hershey’s dark chocol