Nikocado Avocado Woke up 250lbs Lighter! Vegan Again?!

The Mukbang king, Nikocado Avocado, broke his 7 month silence after uploading a video to his channel last night.   He first appeared in the video wearing a big Panda head mask.  Beyond that gigantic panda mask, there was something noticeably different about Nick!   There was a super thin body under the mask!  Could this be a clone of Nikocado?  Is this really the same person who would down several cheeseburgers, nuggets, stuffed tacos and huge plates of noodles in one sitting?  Nikocado is the self proclaimed mukbang king of the internet and with that title came loads of weight gain. It was a real shock to see him slimmer than what he used to be as a vegan.  At the beginning of the video, he stated how he was "two steps ahead."  He went on to say that he had been a part of one of the greatest social experiments of his entire life and likened himself to being a villain of a story where he was able to have significant influence over his followers while remaining two steps ahead

Just Stop Oil Sprays Bank of England and Thames Building to Get UK Government's Attention

Just Stop Oil has been constantly on the go promoting environmental causes in a way that only they can.  Their most recent protests that occurred in London involved a few bottles of spray paint.  The Bank of London, Home Office, MI5 Building were all covered in bright neon orange paint with protesters giving short impassioned speeches providing reasoning for the acts.  Tez Burns, a young bicycle mechanic from Swansea had this to say after spraying the Thames MI5 building:

“Our demand is simple. No new fossil fuel licenses—no new fossil fuel licenses and I won’t have to do this anymore! The government has taken our future.  I want our future back.  It’s criminal inaction—criminal inaction on the climate crisis.  The UN say you need to act.   The IPCC say you need to act.   The IMF—the World Bank all say you need to act and yet the government does nothing.  What does it do? It issues new fossil fuel licenses."

"It says we need to drain every last drop of oil out of the North Sea.  That goes against everything that all of these internationally respected bodies are TELLING US.  And here I am, an ordinary person, having to do this. Do you think I like it? No. This is something I feel as a duty that I have to do as a citizen of the UK when our government is criminal. I’m furious. I’m devastated.”

Austen Espeut, who spray painted the Bank of England said that he doesn’t know what else he should do as the government simply is not listening.  

“We need Just Stop Oil now. We can’t carry on so lightly.  The government wants to have new licenses in the North Sea.  We can’t carry on. I don’t want to be doing this. I’d rather be on my allotment but what else can I do? Please tell me.”

Oil is heightening the effects of climate change and the cost of living continues to increase as a result.  Just Stop Oil made note of the fact that the UK reached 40 degrees Celsius recently and it’s all due to the earth getting warmer and warmer.  When will the UK government take a stand and make some changes as their citizens are demanding and having to partake in risky acts?   It doesn’t seem that Just Stop Oil will be backing down with their protests and antics.  They are painting London orange and it’s not for naught! The acts may seem outrageous but what is more outrageous: spray paint on buildings or an earth that’s so hot that no one will be able to survive on it?  We all have to get back to the basics and do more to save this planet called earth!  Let us say less and do more as a community, as a society, collectively altogether.  Only then will we see real and effective change.


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