The Green News Guide is an online publication that provides written content focused on the green lifestyle, natural health and wellness, environmental issues, climate change, sustainability, health research and green technology and energy.
The FDA has moved to finally ban Red Dye No. 3 from use in food and drugs in America. Red Dye No. 3 was first determined to be a cancer causing color additive almost 30 years ago. Studies conducted using labs rats found that they became inflicted with the disease after consuming large amounts of Red dye No. 3. Thirty years ago, the FDA officially banned Red Dye No. 3 from use in cosmetics but left the door open for it to be used as a color additive in food and prescription drugs. By January 2027, the FDA has ordered that Red Dye No 3 must be removed from all food in the USA and by 2028--from all drugs. Food Manufacturers Shiver in their Boots Red Dye No. 3 has mostly been used in baked goods, sweets and candies. It is used by prominent candy manufacturers such as Mars Inc (Skittles) and Just Born Quality Confections (Peeps). Food Manufacturing giants such as Con Agra, McCormick, Heinz, General Mills and Pepsi Co will all have to find alternatives for ...
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Lower Cholesterol and Hypertension by Going Plant Based
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Last year, the Dr. Oz show spearheaded a 21 day vegan challenge experiment to examine the effects that going meat free had on people’s bodies. Four meat and dairy loving women participated in the challenge. Before they began the challenge, the women were ordered to go to bio reference labs for blood work to determine their initial blood pressure, weight and cholesterol levels.
The women experienced some challenges as the foods that they usually ate were swapped out for a meatless substitute. One woman had an issue with the taste of the dairy free half and half that she started using in her coffee while another experienced a challenge preparing food separately for her family who are meat eaters. By week three, the women began experiencing changes in their bodies rather quickly. One woman experienced significantly less aches and pain, more energy and weight loss.
Dr. Oz discussed the results of the women’s health markers after completing the challenge and they were pretty significant. One woman lost a total of 10 lbs. Three out of the four women’s blood pressure improved. Three women also experienced lowered “bad cholesterol” levels. Dr. Oz interviewed two of the women who participated in the experiment. They initially expressed excitement and shock over their results and were very happy that they took part in the challenge. One was even eager to do it all over again!
Dr. Oz then stated that when he originally started his show, folks were surprised to learn that they could change hypertension levels solely by the food that they ate.
Later on in the episode, environmental reporter, Paul Greenberg confessed that plant based eating saved his life. He noted that after turning 50, his cholesterol was through the roof and he decided that he had to do something about it! He embarked on a plant-based diet for a year and his results were astounding. He cut out all animal products including dairy, meat, and etc. Greenburg's blood pressure went down 20 points and his bad cholesterol went down 50 points. He also lost 10 lbs and had a great deal of newfound energy. Greenberg achieved all of this without taking a single medication.
How does weight loss happen for people who embark on whole food plant based diets? The truth is that people who follow plant-based diets eat less, snack less and feel more full because foods tend to be high in fiber. You’ll experience feelings of satiety due to the amount of fiber in plant based or meat substitutes. When you feed your body the nutrients it needs, it will feel more full than if you had chowed down on foods baring empty calories or that lack proper nutrients. Greenberg said that he has since become a pescatarian and adopted fish back into his diet for omega 3 and B12 benefits. If you are vegan or vegetarian, it helps to incorporate a B12 and omega 3 supplement into your daily diet.
To watch the full episode of Dr. Oz's 21 day experiment, view it below:
Cadillac recently introduced the Sollei , a green concept vehicle which incorporates bio-based materials. The Cadillac Sollei is an electric luxurious convertible which features interiors made from Fine Mycelium™ by MycoWorks. The luxury biobased material was grown from mushroom roots. The material was incorporated into the wireless charging pad, interior door map pockets and behind the screen. The interior décor is wrapped in unstained wood veneers while the windshields are framed in brushed aluminum. The Sollei boasts a luxury Manila cream finish, a pale creamy yellow hue that was used in 1957 and 1958 models. The name “Sollei” has root word SOL (meaning sun) and LEI (meaning leisure). It was Cadillac’s mission to design a vehicle which is representative of an “open-air, leisurely lifestyle.” Design director, Erin Crossley expressed the vision for the Cadillac Sollei. “SOLLEI reimagines the discovery of travel, e...
A protester from the organization, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), disrupted a speech being given by Pharrell Williams at a Biopic Premiere in Toronto. She rushed the stage with a white sign in her hand that read: Pharrell: Stop Supporting Killing Animals for Fashion. Pharrell was in Toronto to support his LEGO biopic entitled, Piece by Piece. The protester directed a number of statements towards Pharrell and the audience concerning his role as men's creative director at Louis Vuitton. "Your Louis Vuitton collection … Pharrell’s collection is made from their blood,” the protester shouted to the audience. “Pharrell stop torturing animals! Ostriches are being hung upside down, electrocuted with their necks slit.” PETA is petitioning Louis Vuitton to stop abusing animals and using their bodily materials for the purpose of fashion creation. During the protest, Pharrell made a pause during his speech and outright...
The Mukbang king, Nikocado Avocado, broke his 7 month silence after uploading a video to his channel last night. He first appeared in the video wearing a big Panda head mask. Beyond that gigantic panda mask, there was something noticeably different about Nick! There was a super thin body under the mask! Could this be a clone of Nikocado? Is this really the same person who would down several cheeseburgers, nuggets, stuffed tacos and huge plates of noodles in one sitting? Nikocado is the self proclaimed mukbang king of the internet and with that title came loads of weight gain. It was a real shock to see him slimmer than what he used to be as a vegan. At the beginning of the video, he stated how he was "two steps ahead." He went on to say that he had been a part of one of the greatest social experiments of his entire life and likened himself to being a villain of a story where he was able to have significant influence over his fo...
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