
Showing posts from October, 2020

Nikocado Avocado Woke up 250lbs Lighter! Vegan Again?!

The Mukbang king, Nikocado Avocado, broke his 7 month silence after uploading a video to his channel last night.   He first appeared in the video wearing a big Panda head mask.  Beyond that gigantic panda mask, there was something noticeably different about Nick!   There was a super thin body under the mask!  Could this be a clone of Nikocado?  Is this really the same person who would down several cheeseburgers, nuggets, stuffed tacos and huge plates of noodles in one sitting?  Nikocado is the self proclaimed mukbang king of the internet and with that title came loads of weight gain. It was a real shock to see him slimmer than what he used to be as a vegan.  At the beginning of the video, he stated how he was "two steps ahead."  He went on to say that he had been a part of one of the greatest social experiments of his entire life and likened himself to being a villain of a story where he was able to have significant influence over his followers while remaining two steps ahead

Grove with Me!

Grove Collaborative Inc is an eco-focused company which partners together with other companies to deliver eco friendly and natural home and personal care items. Grove has sustainability at the heart of their mission and they aim to provide individuals with products that take into account health and the health of our planet. With every order placed at grove, consumers support reforestation efforts as the company plans to plant 1 million trees by the year 2022. The company is also plastic neutral and plans to be completely plastic free by the year 2025. When you maneuver to the site to sign up, you’ll be prompted to begin a 30 day trial. After the trial expires, Grove charges a USD $19.99 annual fee to remain a member. I was especially interested in the bamboo paper towel and toilet paper and thankfully these were already in the cart. After you signup, Grove will pre-fill your cart with eco-friendly household goods. When you place your first order, they’ll also throw in a


Researchers at MIT and spinoff company, Commonwealth Fusion Systems, are working on a groundbreaking method for mimicking the sun’s energy. This method entails the use of fusion energy to generate electricity. The researchers will be constructing a reactor called SPARC, which, if successfully built, will allow for the powering of a plant that will utilize fusion energy. A successful construction of SPARC will also help to curb climate change in the future. The reactor is only in the earliest stages of development and researchers AT MIT plan to complete it in the next three to four years. Commonwealth Fusion Systems CEO, dr. bob mumgaard, connected with NYT and expressed his goal for the creation of the company. “We’re really focused on how you can get to fusion power as quickly as possible.” It is Dr. Mumgaard’s hope that the company can develop a practical fusion device that will be able to mimick the sun’s energy, with the ultimate result of helping to decrease the global warming c

Apple Removes Accessories from iphone Packaging in Latest Effort to Reduce Footprint

Chhooooo Choooo…Apple is coming through! Apple is the latest big tech company to hop on the green environmental train. A few days ago, the company announced that their new iphone 12 will not ship with accessories that are usually included. Apple announced that the wall charger and lightening earpods will not be included in any future iphone releases. The move is supposedly an attempt by the company to lessen their environmental impact, who estimates that 2 million metric tons of carbon emissions will be cut as a result. According to Apple, there are 700 million lightening headphones and 200 billion power adapters already owned by individuals. Apple fan girls and boys are not buying it and some have expressed outrage about this decision. Is this move by Apple truly a move to protect the environment or is it simply to widen their profit margins?! Apple should probably keep their focus on what they can do as a company to reduce their operational footprint rather than take away from thei


Here at Green Lifestyle Organization we’re always hoping to see representation of people of color in all domains and arenas which includes but is not limited to green and environmental, corporate and business, entertainment and show biz, fashion, beauty, and etc. It is one of the reasons GLO was created because there just isn’t enough diversity in the green and environmental domain. As the BLM movement continues to shed light on inequities that black people and other POC are facing and as people become more vocal, changes are starting to materialize. The Real Housewives of New York City will be entering its 13th season very soon. Bravo is shaking up the New York branch of its franchise by diversifying the cast with the introduction of a new black member. Who knew that Bravo was seeking to diversify the lot? Bravo Andy why didn’t you call me? Hhahaahahh…just kidding! Bravo has actually engaged in segregation by keeping the Real Housewives Franchise all black (Potomac and Atlanta) or al

Conscious Travel Series: Garden Car Kensington Market, Toronto

There’s an outrageously, spray-painted car sitting pretty in Kensington Market, Toronto. It is unlike any other car you’ve ever seen before!! The car is home to trees, shrubbery, plants and flowers which appear to be growing out of it. It’s an eclectic, eye-catching and staple green landmark in the Kensington Market neighborhood of Toronto. Longtime residents have described the Kensington Market area as multicultural, walkable, bohemian and artsy. garden car art is right at home in this vicinity. The idea for Garden Car originated with anti-car advocacy organization, Streets are for People. The first car created under the organization was a part of the Community Vehicular Reclamation Project. The car has since changed bodies and is now a maroon, blue and green vintage sedan which was salvaged from a junk yard. The most unique aspect of the car is the garden growing out of it, which continues to attract tourists looking to get a shot with the green work of art. The city of Toronto v

Prince William Creates £50 million Prize for Green Change Agents and Environmental Workers

Prince William is spearheading a new earthcentric initiative with his Royal Foundation. He announced a 50 million pound Earthshot Prize, which will be awarded on an annual basis to five different people or organizations whose mission, is focused on protecting the earth. The five objectives central to the Earthshot prize are: protecting and restoring nature, cleaning the air, reviving oceans, building a waste free world and fixing the climate. The earth-shot prize is sort of like a nobel prize for the environment. This is the single largest award for individuals or organizations who are involved in climate and environmental work. Prince William is continuing the work that his father, Prince Charles, has been passionate about by honoring those who are actively creating solutions to solve our planet’s environmental problems. He came up with the idea for a green award during a visit to Africa two years ago. The award ceremony will be held in a different city every year with the premiere c