
Showing posts from July, 2019

PETA Protester Confronts Pharrell Williams During Film Premiere

A protester from the organization, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), disrupted a speech being given by Pharrell Williams at a Biopic Premiere in Toronto.  She rushed the stage with a white sign in her hand that read:  Pharrell: Stop Supporting Killing Animals for Fashion.  Pharrell was in Toronto to support his LEGO biopic entitled, Piece by Piece.   The protester directed a number of statements towards Pharrell and the audience concerning his role as men's creative director at Louis Vuitton.   "Your Louis Vuitton collection … Pharrell’s collection is made from their blood,” the protester shouted to the audience. “Pharrell stop torturing animals! Ostriches are being hung upside down, electrocuted with their necks slit.”   PETA is petitioning Louis Vuitton to stop abusing animals and using their bodily materials for the purpose of fashion creation.  During the protest, Pharrell made a pause during his speech and outrightly agreed with the protester.  "Ok.

New Study Reveals Non Organic Cereals and Granola Bars Are Full of GLYPHOSATE WEEDKILLER!

A study recently completed by EWG (Environmental Working Group) found alarming levels of glyphosate on breakfast cereals and other foods from companies such as General Mills and Gerber. Glyphosate is a weedkiller that is produced by Bayer-Monsanto. Many of the cereals found to have troubling levels of weedkiller on them are made by food manufacturer, General Mills. Popular cereals such as Cheerios and Honey nut Cheerios had the highest amounts of glyphosate. Over twenty oat based cereals and snack products were tested and almost all contained levels higher than EWG’s health and safety benchmark. EWG’s safety benchmark is 160 ppb (parts per billion). Anything above this number is considered to be toxic and dangerous if consumed. Honey Nut Cheerios had an astounding number of 833 ppb of glyphosate, while Nature’s Valley Granola bars contained 566 ppb level. The World Health Organization has classified glyphosate as carcinogenic to human beings. California’s Office of Environmental He

Why You Won’t See Your Vegetarian Friend at the Next Summer Barbecue

Mounds of hotdogs. Grills chock full of steaks and burgers. Platters filled with chicken. Legs. Drumsticks. Breasts. Gizzards. Intestines and Feet too? Backyard BBQs to Vegetarians is like what summer is to polar bears. It’s just a place that they don’t want to ever be at. Why would a person who has specifically eliminated meat from their diet want to attend any event where consumption of meat is the entire point of the event? Vegans and vegetarians usually choose to go meat and dairy free for various reasons. For some it may have been awareness of the animal cruelty that goes on in the meat and dairy industries. For others, the reason might have been knowledge of the dangers of consumption of animal products. For some it’s the taste and for others it could be the smell that’s intolerable. The fact is that there are different reasons why vegans become vegans and vegetarians become vegetarians. It shouldn’t be a surprise if your vegan friend or family member is not at your next dinne