FDA Bans First FD&C Dye! Which Will be Next?

The FDA has moved to finally ban Red Dye No. 3 from use in food and drugs in America.  Red Dye No. 3 was first determined to be a cancer causing color additive almost 30 years ago.  Studies conducted using labs rats found that they became inflicted with the disease after consuming large amounts of Red dye No. 3.  Thirty years ago, the FDA officially banned Red Dye No. 3 from use in cosmetics but left the door open for it to be used as a color additive in food and prescription drugs.  By January 2027, the FDA has ordered that Red Dye No 3 must be removed from all food in the USA and by 2028--from all drugs. Food Manufacturers Shiver in their Boots Red Dye No. 3 has mostly been used in baked goods, sweets and candies.  It is used by prominent candy manufacturers such as Mars Inc (Skittles) and Just Born Quality Confections (Peeps).  Food Manufacturing giants such as Con Agra, McCormick, Heinz, General Mills and Pepsi Co will all have to find alternatives for ...

Thousands of Women Are Speaking Out About Breast Implant Illness

In 2018, more than 1.8 million cosmetic surgical procedures were performed on individuals in the United States. Of that number, approximately 400,000 women received a breast augmentation. The number of women receiving breast augmentations increases every year. Women, unhappy with the shape, size or look of their breasts, place their lives at risk to receive breast implants and undergo cosmetic surgical procedures. Other women opt for breast implants while undergoing plastic surgery. The breast implant craze began in the nineties at a time where the long-term effects of breast implants were largely unknown and never researched. At current, there still are no long-term studies that have provided knowledge concerning the long-term effects of breast implants.

Plastic surgeons performing these surgical procedures have always touted cosmetic procedures such as breast implant surgery as relatively safe and non-harmful. The two options given to women for receiving implants are silicone and saline implants. Many women have often opted for saline implants as they’ve been told that they contain sterile saltwater solution and will not cause harm if they happen to leak. There is also the choice between textured implants and smooth implants, one of which has been linked to a rare form of cancer. Women who undergo cosmetic surgical procedures do not have access to research and information concerning the long-term effects of having breast implants. They go into their implant consultation believing that it is a normal and safe procedure with the simple knowledge that many other women receive the same procedure. The plastic surgeon can only discuss the short-term effects of the surgical procedure, as they too have no knowledge concerning the long-term effects of breast implants.

There have been celebrities and models such as K. Michelle and Anivia Cruz-Di lworth who have publicly spoken out about the dangers of receiving cosmetic surgeries and enhancements and their personal experiences being ill from them. Towards the latter part of 2018, numerous women made the choice to speak publicly about their sickness as a result of having undergone breast implantation. Youtuber, Karissa Pukas, was one of the first to speak out about her personal experience with BII (Breast Implant Illness). Breast Implant Illness is an umbrella or constellation term used to describe women who self-identify as sick or unwell due to the 40 or so symptoms and autoimmune conditions that they experience as a result of having breast implants. Quite a few of these women spoke about suddenly becoming mysteriously sick with chronic and debilitating symptoms such as pain, weakness, chills amongst many others. Every time they visited medical doctors and emergency rooms in hospitals, their panels and tests came back negative or normal and they were never provided a diagnosis for the symptoms they were displaying. Most plastic surgeons will tend to be dismissive of BII and few medical providers are aware of BII.

A common theme among many of the women was the fact that they had been in good health before receiving their breast implants. Women with breast implants who gave birth to children have stated that their children were also left with unending health problems as a result of being breast fed while having the implants inside of them.

Due to the outpouring of stories from women speaking out about their experiences being ill from breast implants, the FDA held a meeting on March 25, 2019. Members of the FDA discussed a need for better product labeling and making it a policy for providers to have patients sign an informed consent form in order to make them aware of the potential dangers of the implant device. According to the FDA, patients must be made aware of two conditions, a breast implant related T cell cancer called anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) and the autoimmune disorder which is a result of BII. It is well documented that textured breast implants are associated with BIA-ALCL. This rare cancer typically occurs about ten years after implantation. Despite the known dangers and illnesses that can result from receiving breast implants, the FDA has not issued a formal ban of breast implant devices.

How can the FDA continue to give authorization to plastic surgeons to perform these cosmetic surgeries knowing the harmful effects, sickness and cancer that can result from implants? How can cosmetic and plastic surgeries conducted on healthy individuals be touted as “medicine.” Are unnecessary cosmetic surgeries a practice of “medicine?” Or are they a practice of murder? Medicine is supposed to treat illness. Medicine should be used to help ailing individuals become better and have restoration of health or prevention of illness. Breast implants and other cosmetic procedures are doing the total opposite. Many women get implants as a result of self-esteem problems or seeing others with them and wanting the same look. Some plastic surgeons have stated that implants provide a solution for women battling self-esteem problems, which leads to another question. Is it ethical to use medicine to treat self-esteem problems?
The constellation of symptoms that can result from BII are numerous. Please view part II for a conclusive list of symptoms that are descriptive of Breast Implant Illness.

Are you a victim of BII? The first step in resolving issues related to BII is to explant. Dr. Mechelle desires to see your health restored to what it used to be before your implant surgery. If you have recently explanted or are planning an explant, please contact Natural Doctor Now to discuss potential next steps that you can take. Our BII detox consultation is a 5 minimum consult that will provide you with the knowledge that you need to know to completely detox from implants and experience restored and renewed health.
Dr. Mechelle has previously written articles concerning breast cancer prevention and surgery. Please view these articles here:

#breastcancer #breastimplantillness #breastimplantillness #BII


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