
Showing posts from September, 2015

Nikocado Avocado Woke up 250lbs Lighter! Vegan Again?!

The Mukbang king, Nikocado Avocado, broke his 7 month silence after uploading a video to his channel last night.   He first appeared in the video wearing a big Panda head mask.  Beyond that gigantic panda mask, there was something noticeably different about Nick!   There was a super thin body under the mask!  Could this be a clone of Nikocado?  Is this really the same person who would down several cheeseburgers, nuggets, stuffed tacos and huge plates of noodles in one sitting?  Nikocado is the self proclaimed mukbang king of the internet and with that title came loads of weight gain. It was a real shock to see him slimmer than what he used to be as a vegan.  At the beginning of the video, he stated how he was "two steps ahead."  He went on to say that he had been a part of one of the greatest social experiments of his entire life and likened himself to being a villain of a story where he was able to have significant influence over his followers while remaining two steps ahead

Laying Down the Law on Helium

Helium balloons are fun accessories that are loved by practically everyone. They are staples at graduations, birthday parties, anniversaries, and proms . They're bright, colorful and festive and adored by children all over the world. Many children jump for glee after losing grasp of a balloon to the wind. Helium balloons have become a part of our culture. Though helium balloons may seem like innocent fun, many are unaware of the potential harm that they can cause to environment. Releasing helium balloons into the air or atmosphere may be fun to watch, but it really isn't a good idea if protection of marine wildlife is a primary concern. Animals and wildlife are prone to ingesting helium balloons when they are mistaken for food. Animals such as sea turtles and birds have also been found strangled by the strings from helium balloons. Animals often are helpless victims of many actions of humankind. In order for society to thrive and flourish, great care and concern sho