FDA Bans First FD&C Dye! Which Will be Next?

The FDA has moved to finally ban Red Dye No. 3 from use in food and drugs in America.  Red Dye No. 3 was first determined to be a cancer causing color additive almost 30 years ago.  Studies conducted using labs rats found that they became inflicted with the disease after consuming large amounts of Red dye No. 3.  Thirty years ago, the FDA officially banned Red Dye No. 3 from use in cosmetics but left the door open for it to be used as a color additive in food and prescription drugs.  By January 2027, the FDA has ordered that Red Dye No 3 must be removed from all food in the USA and by 2028--from all drugs. Food Manufacturers Shiver in their Boots Red Dye No. 3 has mostly been used in baked goods, sweets and candies.  It is used by prominent candy manufacturers such as Mars Inc (Skittles) and Just Born Quality Confections (Peeps).  Food Manufacturing giants such as Con Agra, McCormick, Heinz, General Mills and Pepsi Co will all have to find alternatives for ...

What's so "Super" about Superfruits?

They’re exotic and they can often lean towards the pricier end of the monetary scale. They are touted and talked about by health fanatics and health police all over the world!
What do fruits like mangosteen, acai berries, chokeberries, goji berries, noni fruit, blueberries, lychee berries, ligon berries and maqui berries have in common? These super fruits all have extremely potent antioxidant power. What makes them so “super?”

Firstly, they are rich in anthocyanins, a class of polyphenol antioxidants. Polyphenol antioxidants can help to fight and ward off various inflammatory conditions. They have even been very effective in fighting various cases of cancer.
Superfruits have the word “super” in them because their antioxidant content is much higher than the average fruit. Other antioxidants found in superfruits are cyanidin, flavonoids, malvidin, cumarin, and delphinidin.
Some may be familiar with the saying: “The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice.” In the case of the superfruit, the darker the berry, the deeper the health benefits. It is naturally true that darker hued fruits have a much higher antioxidant content then lighter hued fruits. This is why most dark berries like acai berries, blueberries and goji berries are referred to as superfruits. The health conscious consumer will be able to spot a superfruit by their dark hues of blue, purple and red in produce isles.
Jeffrey Blumberg, director of the antioxidants research library at Tufts University, has stated that eating one superfruit is the equivalent of eating two fruits. Consuming superfruits is an excellent way to receive your daily fruit servings. They are packed with the minerals, nutrients and vitamins that are needed for optimal health.
Blueberry, scientifically named vaccinium corymbosum, is considered to be the original superfruit, that is until more recent discoveries were made. Blueberries are also one of the most researched fruit in the entire world. Blueberries are naturally rich in polyphenols and antioxidants. The deep, dark blue color is a testament to the fruit’s “super” powers. The high polyphenolic compounds that characterize blueberries and various other superfruits make them good fighters of inflammation.
Superfruits should actually be called miracle fruits because of the positive results that many achieve from daily consumption. Blueberries happen to have powerful cholesterol lowering properties. They also contribute to cardiovascular health and they can also help to shield the nervous system from oxidative damage.
Cherries are natural pain fighters. They contain the active ingredient, cyanidin. Cherries are very helpful for fighting inflammatory diseases like gout and rheumatoid arthritis. Superfruits can be found in different forms such as extracts, concentrate, powders and liquid. Many individuals with gout and various inflammatory conditions have taken cherry concentrate and have seen improvements in their health. Cherries help to keep uric acid levels at a normal level.
At one time, acai berry topped the list of superfruits with the highest anthocyanin content. That coveted spot now goes to maqui berry. Both acai and maqui berry have amazing anti-cancer properties. They also possess superior immune boosting powers. Superfruits are a key ingredient to health and longevity.
When purchasing superfruit in natural health markets and stores, it is important to read labels. Many companies will place the name of a particular fruit in the title of their product and purposely fool the customer into believing that it actually consists of a superfruit ingredient. Reading labels helps to ensure that the product you’re purchasing, actually contains the superfruit in its purest form and concentration.
There are certain fruits that are making their way to superfruit status. These fruits include sea buckthorn berry, pitaya and baobob. Numerous studies have proven that eating a diet filled with fruits and vegetables can help to lessen chronic disease. The superfruit list seems to get larger and larger each year as new nutritional and health discoveries are made. One thing is for sure: you certainly don’t want to miss out on the benefits of superfruits!

Photo used courtesy of Dan Mckay via CC commercial agreement.


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